World-Class Geo Optimized Network:
By using multiple Tier 1 telecom providers including AT&T, NTT, AboveNet, along with numerous private peering arrangements, we provide more than 2 Tb/sec of transit and peering capacity. With our own network Points of Presences (POPs), as well as through partnership with CloudFlare we provide global reach, and lower latency by removing network bottlenecks for your hosted websites & servers.

Key Features:
- Fully redundant HA network architecture with no single points of failure
- Fail-over routing & extra capacity at core and edge routers
- Multiple concurrent, high-capacity Tier 1 bandwidth providers
- Multiple local Core IP POPs capable of delivering multiple gigabit service, in 24 major metropolitan markets
- More than 2 Terabits/sec of active IP interconnection capacity with other networks
- 7 diversely routed submarine cable systems
- Over 500 Gigabits/sec of diversely routed inter-city long-haul backbone capacity.
- Availability of DDoS mitigation
North America 
USA, Canada, Mexico
South America 
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Curaçao, Ecuador, Panama, Peru
Australia, New Zealand
Middle East 
Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
Angola, Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, Mauritania, South Africa
Armenia, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand
Enterprise Data Centers Overview:
To provide you with the fastest access time, reliability, and disaster recovery, we use some of the most advanced data centers in the World.
SAS 70 Type II certified data centers
- Multiple data centers in Chicago, Illinois, USA
- 485,000 sq. ft of space (221k sq.ft. raised floor space)
- 18.2 MW Critical Load
N+2 Redundancy
- UPS powered by 32 Rotary Power Systems (1,300kW output each)
- Backup Power Generators: 32 diesel powered engine generators (2,250kW capacity each)
- Fuel Tanks – 3 days of diesel fuel on-site (4 tanks, 50,000 gallons)
Monitoring, Testing & Security
- Weekly generator tests to validate operations and procedures
- Global network operations center and local monitoring of power, HVAC and physical security
- 3 point security access with bio-metric scans
- 24/7 on duty security guards