How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous


How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous

How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous

Softaculous allows you to install and manage WordPress in a few clicks. It is not just easy to install programs by using it, it is a big time saver because it automates many tasks related to software installation. In this guide, we will show you how to log in to a website’s dashboard using Softaculous.

1. Log in to your cPanel account:

How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, find ‘Softaculous App Installer’ and click the WordPress icon:
How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous

3. Navigate to All Installations menu:

How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous

4. When working with a CMS, you’ll generally need to log in to it as an Administrator. In order to proceed, click the Admin icon:

How to log in to WordPress using Softaculous

You are in. Feel free to manage your website!

About the author

JUJU-dev administrator

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